Nice pic
09.02.2011 @ 16:32Cool thanks.
09.02.2011 @ 17:27I guess if you want to know more about the car, It's here on the site. I will NOT rewrite the post. It's a Sauber Mercedes C9 race car.
09.02.2011 @ 18:13it is this one, right?
10.02.2011 @ 08:54Yep, horay! But my post was funny.
10.02.2011 @ 14:54Male, 31
Location: SanAntonio,
United States of America

Birthday: 2 March
status: Alone, frightened. Cold...
about: I love Corvettes
I love cars too!!
Interests: Cars
Occupation: Kinda unemployed right now.
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