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Japan Japan (1937 - present)
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2013-05-06 @ 15:22 | © photo courtesy of: Toyota
The exported cars will now be built in FranceThe Yaris only sells about 25,000 units a year in the USThe previous space in the Japanese factory will be used to build a new carDas Auris Modell verzeichnete einen Umsatzschub, insbesondere die HybridvariantenDer Auris Hybrid Touring Sports wurde bereits aktualisiert, der Auris folgt nun.Damit wird der Standard Auris Hybrid 1g/km of CO2 weniger emittieren als der Touring SportsAs vendas da gama Auris estão a subir, mas grande parte da subida deve-se às versões híbridasO Auris Hybrid Touring Sports já conta com os upgrades que agora serão aplicados na versão standardOs upgrades significam que o Auris Hybrid emite em média apenas menos 1g/km de CO2 do que a versão Touring SportsThe upgrades mean that the standard Auris Hybrid emits just 1g/km of CO2 less on average than the Touring SportsThe Auris Hybrid Touring Sports already had the upgrades that are being applied to the AurisSales of the Auris range are up, but the hybrid versions are making up a larger portionA única coisa que a Toyota desvendou do P002 de Pikes Peak foi esta imagem, que mostra a asa dianteira maiorHá dois anos também alcançou o recorde e espera voltar a fazê-lo este anoO carro do ano passado bateu o recorde do percurso, na categoria de carros elétricosAll Toyota has shown of the P002 for Pikes Peak is this mockup, which features a larger front wingIt also set the record two years ago and is hoping to do it againLast year's car set a new record up the courseThe race will be the debut for the new Toyota and Audi R18 long tailOther than F1 there are major races in every major seriesThe Six Hours of Spa will be the big race of the weekendToyota 4Runner SR5 RWD
A única coisa que a Toyota desvendou do P002 de Pikes Peak foi esta imagem, que mostra a asa dianteira maior