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Christopher Bruce2013-06-28 16:58:08

Japanese Watch Will Tell You If You're Too Drunk to Drive

Includes a breathalyzer to measure blood alcohol content

Japan seems to be the master of the weird gadget

Nobody should drive drunk ever. There is absolutely no excuse for it, and apparently the Japanese agree. Watchmaker Tokyoflash has created the Kisai, the world's first Breathalyzer watch.

The watch comes with all sorts of ways to test your drunkenness. First there is the obvious Breathalyzer that runs from 0.00 to 0.61%. Given that in the US, anywhere between 0.05 and 0.08 is considering drunk depending on the state, if you have a blood alcohol content of 0.60, you will probably be hurting the next day.  

It also has a game to test your reaction time that moves back and forth quickly, and the player has to stop it in the middle.

The watch also includes time, date and alarm functions.

The watch runs $149, and it should go without saying that if you need a watch to tell you if you are drunk, then you probably are. 

Source: Carscoop




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