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Germany Germany (1938 - present)
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2013-11-25 @ 15:57 | © photo courtesy of: Volkswagen
It would also unify emissions and safety rulesVolkswagen currently only builds the Passat in the USIf the free trade deal is successful, then it would make it easier to develop cars for both marketsThe Touareg X is the latest special edition for the USDirect injection puts fuel into engines directly into the cylinder rather than in the intake runnerThe study suggests that particulate filters should be usedVolkswagen markets its direct injected engines as FSIAs células de combustível ainda são demasiado caras para serem comercializadasO Grupo VW quer ser líder do mercado de veículos com tecnologia elétrica até ao final de 2018Volkswagen vai focar-se nos veículos híbridos e elétricos até ao final da décadaNem a plataforma do up! permite que os carros possam custar o preço pretendido pela VWVolkswagen afirma que a sua marca low-cost será lançada no próximo anoEmpresa já confirmou que a utilização da plataforma MQB está fora de questão por causa dos custosEven the Up platform was not made to be as cheap as VW wants the new cars to beVolkswagen says that its entry level brand is a year awayIt has said before that the MQB platform would be too expensive to useFuel cells are still too expensive to sell to the publicIt wants to be the market leader by 2018Volkswagen will focus on hybrids and EVs for the rest of the decadeO painel de instrumentos é totalmente digitalA frente tem mais 30mm para poder receber os dois motoresA Volkswagen ainda não confirmou se o protótipo vai ser produzido
As células de combustível ainda são demasiado caras para serem comercializadas