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Japan Japan (1932 - present)
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2012-04-12 @ 14:36 | © photo courtesy of: Nissan
Nissan refines it production processes for batteries at the Zama plant You can see the strings that the engineers view for aerodynamicsNissan Releasing Videos Chronicling Deltawing DevlopmentControlling the wind tunnelJust before testingNissan Releasing Videos Chronicling Deltawing DevlopmentTelemetry being loggedThe car being strapped downAn early image of the Deltawing in the windtunnelGetting the car on the treadmillNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.12/1  C. Aberta Alumínio BasicNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.15/3  PremiumNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/3  ComfortNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/1  PremiumNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/2  C. Fechada Poliester ComfortNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.12/1  BasicNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/3  C. Fechada Poliester ComfortNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/2  C. Fechada Poliester PremiumNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 28.12/2  BasicNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.12/3  C. Aberta Alumínio BasicNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 28.12/2  C. Aberta Alum�nio BasicNissan Cabstar Cab. Rebat. 35.14/1  C. Basculante Alumínio Basic
Nissan Releasing Videos Chronicling Deltawing Devlopment