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Williams was founded in 1977 by Frank Williams and Patrick Head. It is one of the longest partnerships in motorsport...
encyclopedia > make37 models  |  255 photos
World debut for the Acura TSX Sport Wagon in New YorkWorld debut for the Acura TSX Sport Wagon in New YorkWorld premiere of the R-Class in New YorkWorld debut for the Acura TSX Sport Wagon in New YorkWorld premiere of the R-Class in New YorkWorld premiere of the R-Class in New York
Waaijenberg Canta LX
(1999, 160cc, Microcar)
encyclopedia > Waaijenberg > model15 specs  |  4 photos  |  2 videos
Wiesmann is a German carmaker founded in 1985 by the Wiesmann brothers. Having Enzo Ferrari as role model, after his de...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  105 photos
Williams FW16 Renault
(1994, 3493cc, 790hp)
encyclopedia > Williams > model1 profiles  |  3 photos
Williams FW14 Renault
(1991, 3500cc)
encyclopedia > Williams > model3 photos
Weber Sportscars F1
(2008, 7011cc, 900hp, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > Weber Sportscars > model68 specs  |  2 photos
Williams FW21 Supertech
(1999, 3000cc)
encyclopedia > Williams > model4 photos
Williams FW26 BMW
(2004, 2998cc)
encyclopedia > Williams > model4 photos

Westfield Sportscars was founded by Chris Smith in 1982. Because Westfield automobile...

encyclopedia > make2 models  |  39 photos  |  1 videos
Wiesmann GT
model - (Germany, 2003-present)
encyclopedia > Wiesmann > model4 versions  |  38 photos