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2013-08-23 17:31:20
Hyundai-Kia has started a partnership with the University of Michigan on pro...
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2012-11-07 15:54:44
Hyundai and Kia announced on November 2 a voluntary initiative to reduce some of its cars' fuel economy ratings....
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2012-10-23 16:59:33
At the Hyundai-Kia International Powertrain Conference, the Korean brands sa...
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2012-11-15 18:32:07
It is old news by now that the European auto market is shrinking, but there are companies who are growing steadily i...
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2013-10-02 15:40:38
Hyundai and Kia have gone from jokes of the auto industry 15 years ago to le...
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2013-05-21 15:44:09
The South Korean auto market is changing rapidly with imported auto sales increasing from 28% to 41% of the market i...
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2009-10-22 19:18:33
According to Daimler AG’s announcement on September 9th, the world leading car com...
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