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McLaren launches two new racing cars
2016-03-16 16:18:56 McLaren has released two new track versions based on the new 570S. The {...
news > motorsport3 photos
Toyota Bringing 8 New Cars to Emerging Markets
2012-05-28 14:03:17 So-called emerging markets like China, Russia, South America and parts of South East Asia are becoming big business....
news > news1 photos
Opel Bringing Three Cars and a Concept to Frankfurt
2011-08-18 17:52:42 Opel will be making a big showing at the Frankfurt Motor Show next month. General Motor's European division will be bri...
news > news9 photos
Selling Fewer Cars is Paying Off for Ferrari
2013-11-11 13:58:46 Ferrari’s decision to stop increasing sales in favor of increasing prices and brand exclus...
news > news3 photos
Gumpert Bringing Two New Cars to Geneva
2012-02-27 15:34:11 German sports car maker Gumpert will be bringing two new cars to the Geneva Motor Show. Gumpert has released three t...
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BMW Has 25 New Cars Planned for Next Two Years
2013-05-14 17:03:43 BMW held its investors' meeting earlier on May 14 where it announced finalized financial fig...
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Saab Auctioning Final 69 Cars
2012-12-04 15:25:20 The final 69 cars that remained on Saab's books are being auctioned. The final cars are pred...
news > news3 photos
Ford Working to Make Cars Antimicrobial
2012-11-03 08:02:27 Ford and the University of Michigan has teamed up to make cars cleaner, but not cleaner in an ae...
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Toyota first choice for hybrid and electric cars
2011-05-15 06:26:13 An independent study has revealed that Toyota is the first choice for consumers when it comes to hybrid and electric ve...
news > green1 photos
Lamborghini Trademarks Huracán for Passenger Cars
2012-04-30 13:47:34 Lamborghini trademarked the name Deimos a few weeks ago, and so far it has come to nothing. However, now it is trade...
news > news2 photos
Fiat Sending Seven New Cars to the US After Chrysler Success
2013-01-31 15:13:35 Chrysler had a very good year in 2012, according to its annual financial announcement. Sales wer...
news > news4 photos