375 results for nissan in News

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Renderings of the Next Generation Peugeot 308 and Renault Megane
2012-11-01 12:12:25 Peugeot and Renault are planning new generations of the {TOOLTIP|SERIES|2060...
news > news4 photos
Next Gen GTR Due in 2018, Possibly with Hybrid
2012-08-29 17:07:49 The Nissan GT-R entered the market as a budget-priced world-beater but i...
news > news1 photos
Lithium Battery Costs Predicted to Drop by About 2/3 by 2020
2012-07-12 16:09:14 McKinsey and Company, a global research firm, has published a study predicting that lithium-ion battery costs are se...
news > green1 photos
World Record Gathering of Electric Vehicles Being Attempted in Norway
2013-08-27 19:10:19 Norway is attempting to set the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of electric cars on August 31. {TOOL...
news > green3 photos
Norway Sets New Record with Parade of 260.5 EVs is Oslo
2013-09-07 12:14:30 Norway was successful in its attempt to set a new world record for the largest line of simultaneously moving electri...
news > green3 photos
Gran Turismo Demo Downloaded Over One Million Times in Two Weeks
2013-07-19 18:55:07 It looks like Gran Turismo 6 will be another big success for Sony on the PlayStation3. In the two weeks since the de...
news > news3 photos
Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi Agree to Build Japanese EV Infrastruture
2013-07-29 15:06:46 Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi...
news > green3 photos
Linschoten, Netherlands, Named Most EV Friendly City in Europe
2012-08-08 20:21:49 The small town of Linschoten, Netherlands, has been named the winner of Nissan's Big Tu...
news > green1 photos
Nismo and Williams Teaming Up to Produce Performance Road Car
2013-06-27 14:56:29 Renault has formed its partnership with Caterham for the new {TOOLTIP|MAKE|1...
news > news4 photos
Belgian Wolfgang Riep is GT Academy 2012 Europe Winner
2012-08-27 19:43:48 Wolfgang Riep, a 25-year-old student from Lachutel, Belgium, was selected as the winner of the 2013 Nissan GT A...
news > motorsport5 photos
GT-R Track Pack Adds Lightness and Better Brake Cooling  For Even Sharper Edge
2011-12-09 16:07:23 It is weird to call a £75,000 car a bargain, bu when discussing the Nissan GT-R, it is hard to describe i...
news > news5 photos