659 results for clio

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ClioMy ClioRenault brings out Clio Gordini as Clio GT replacementRenault brings out Clio Gordini as Clio GT replacementRenault brings out Clio Gordini as Clio GT replacementRenault brings out Clio Gordini as Clio GT replacement
owned by Jingle
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owned by eichpo97
community > eichpo97 > car profile
Renault Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16v
owned by tommallett
community > tommallett > car profile6 photos
Turkey Will Build Majority of Next-Gen Clios, French Union Not Happy
2012-10-08 18:33:35 Renault's French labor union has revealed to Reuters that the majority of the next generatio...
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Renault Down Through Third Quarter; Predicts Lower Volume for 2012
2012-10-26 15:28:25 Renault has posted heavy losses through the third quarter of 2012. Unit sales were down 5.8% for...
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Front swivel seat presented by Renault
2010-04-11 15:14:11 Renault has become the first European brand to incorporate a front passenger swivel seat technology in its catalogue. T...
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