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Spyker C8 Gen.2
series - (Netherlands, 2009-present)
encyclopedia > Spyker > C8 > Gen.22 versions  |  10 photos
owned by Sammy
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Further details on the future of Saab provided by Spyker
2010-02-02 19:49:53 Today Spyker has released further information about the Dutch brand plans for Saab, after the buying process of the Swe...
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Youngman Buys 30% of Spyker and Will Build D8 SUV
2012-08-28 18:31:50 Spyker is back, and now its owned by Chinese automaker Youngman. Youngman has agreed to invest&n...
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Saab breathes relief as GM and Spyker reach an agreement
2010-01-26 19:23:02 After several weeks of doubts about the future of the Saab brand, the negotiations between General Motors (GM) and Spyk...
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US Judge Throws Out Spyker's $3 Billion Lawsuit Against GM
2013-06-11 16:52:18 A US judge has thrown out Spyker's $3 billion lawsuit against {TOOLTIP|MAKE|1244|General Mot...
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No agreement between Spyker, Hawtai and Saab
2011-05-12 10:00:30 Spyker Cars has announced today the agreement by and between Hawtai, Spyker and Saab Automobile AB (Saab Automobile) fo...
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Further financing for the Saab deal
2010-02-09 10:53:00 Spyker Cars N.V. has announced that the company has entered into a USD 25 million convertible loan agreement with an in...
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Saab restarts production at Trollättan
2010-03-23 11:41:04 A new era at Saab Automobile started yesterday at the Trollättan plant with the return to the production after sev...
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