195 results for company

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Healey Motor Company was found by Donald Mitchell Healey, in Warwick, U.K., in 1945, to build sports cars. In 1952 D...
encyclopedia > make8 models  |  17 photos

The Dual Motor Company was founded by Eugene Casarol in Michigan, USA. He used ...

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  The British car company Adams was set in Bedford, England, where it began manufacturing vehicles in 1905...
encyclopedia > make2 models
The Astra make was a subsidiary of the British Anzani car company, which is based in the English county of Middlesex...
encyclopedia > make1 models
The Scottish car company Arrol-Johnston produced automobiles between 1896 and 1931. Arrol-Johnston was actually resp...
encyclopedia > make1 models
The  Astra-Gnome was a far-fetched, strikingly unconventional automobile built in 1955 by  the Richard Arb...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Wolseley Motor Company was officially registered in 1914, although Herbert Austin, who would later open the Austin M...
encyclopedia > make12 models  |  4 photos
The Invicta Car Company was established in 1925 by  Captain Albert Noel (later Sir Noel) Campbell Macklin, and Oli...
encyclopedia > make6 models  |  2 photos
DR Motor Company was founded in 2006 in Italia by Massimo Di Risio. Dr, as it’s also known, produces cars by crea...
encyclopedia > make3 models  |  7 photos
(1953, 2088cc, 69hp, 4 doors, Saloon (sedan) )
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard Gen.2 > Version47 specs
(1955, 948cc, 38hp, 5 doors, Estate (station wagon))
encyclopedia > Standard Motor Company > Ten > Version48 specs