153 results for detroit

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Detroit Electric SP:01
(2013, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > Detroit Electric > model
Detroit Electric
Detroit Electric was a small electric carmaker from Detroit, Michigan, that built cars from 1907 to 1930. In this ti...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  36 photos
Detroit Electric SP:01 Claims to Be Fastest Electric Car in the World
2013-04-22 16:52:44 Detroit Electric publically revealed its SP:01 sports car at the Shanghai ...
news > news3 photos
Detroit Electric Name Reborn with Electric Sports Car Concept
2013-03-20 15:05:55 Detroit Electric is a little-known electric carmaker from Detroit, Michigan, that built cars fro...
news > green2 photos
Detroit Electric Brings Lotus Engineering to Electric Cars
2013-04-04 12:29:32 When two former Lotus Engineering employees decide to launch their own electric car company, it ...
news > green4 photos
Detroit Electric reveals final design of SP:01
2014-10-29 11:54:59 Detroit Electric is preparing to start the production of its electric sports car, the {TOOLTIP|V...
news > green1 photos
Li Shi Guang Ming Detroit Fish
encyclopedia > Li Shi Guang Ming > model1 photos
Paige was manufactured by Paige Detroit Company, founded by Frederick O. Paige and Harry M. Jewett in Detroit, USA, ...
encyclopedia > make1 models
Indy Car and American Le Mans to Return to Detroit for Belle Isle Grand Prix
2011-10-14 17:15:55 Detroit is not what you think of when thinking of a city connected to motorsports. Some fantastic cars have been mad...
news > news2 photos
Fiat Brings Specially Colored 500s to Detroit
2013-01-16 12:27:07 Fiat and Chrysler had a very subdued North American International Auto Show....
news > news4 photos
image results for detroit
Li Shi Guang Ming Detroit FishPrius Family grows in DetroitPrius Family grows in DetroitPrius Family grows in DetroitPrius Family grows in DetroitPrius Family grows in Detroit