23 results for r_ in Events

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Richard Arbib (September 1, 1917 - February 22, 1995) was a Northamerican automotive designer. He worked, amongst others, as a designer for the Henney Motor Co., GM Styling and designed the comme...
RACE RETRO 2010 - 7th International Historic Motorsport Show for Classic Cars and Bikes. Historic Racing And Rallying Is Our Passion
Raymond Fernand Loewy (5 November 1893 – 14 July 1986) was one of the most famous automobile designers of the 20th century. He was originally from France but pursued his professional car...
Richard A. (Dick) Teague (born December 23, 1923 in Los Angeles, California) was a automobile designer for General Motors, Packard, Chrysler and AMC. Amongst his most important works are the AMC...