4 results for unique in News

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Citroën Plans to Abandon Unique Designs to Boost International Sales
2013-01-19 10:39:31 Some of Citroën's most famous designs also rank as some of the oddest looking mainstrea...
news > news4 photos
RM Auctioning Trio of All-Metal Unique Ford Pedal Cars
2012-08-07 17:47:23 The 1932-1934 Ford Model B often called the "deuce coupe" was the car of hot rodder...
news > news17 photos
Cadillac ATS Coupe Gets Unique Body and More Powerful Turbo Engine
2014-01-14 14:01:17 The Cadillac ATS, last year’s North American Car of the Year, will n...
news > news7 photos
*Update: Maldonado and Vergne Receive Penalties* Alonso Takes Unique Victory in Spain as Leaders Retire
2012-06-24 12:51:02 *Update: Pastor Maldonado and Jean-Eric Vergne have received post race penalties for separate incidents during the E...
news > motorsport2 photos