The Bugatti company that we know nowadays is a different company than the original on...
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model - (Germany, 2000-present)
encyclopedia > Bugatti > model27 versions | 3 profiles | 220 photos | 2 videos

(2010, 7993cc, 1200hp, 2 doors, Fixed-head coupé)
encyclopedia > Bugatti > Veyron > Version4 profiles | 55 specs | 7 photos | 2 videos

(2012, 7993cc, 1200hp, 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Bugatti > Veyron > Version4 profiles | 18 photos

model - (France, 1934-1940)
encyclopedia > Bugatti > model10 versions | 108 photos | 1 videos

(2012, 7993cc, 1200hp, 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Bugatti > Veyron > Version1 profiles | 10 photos