6 results for mitchell

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The Mitchell Motor Car Co, headquartered in Racine, was founded by Henry Mitchell and produced its first automobile ...
encyclopedia > make4 models  |  16 photos
(1909, 3295cc, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Mitchell > model17 specs
(1909, 4188cc, 2 doors, Tourer )
encyclopedia > Mitchell > model18 specs
(1909, 5813cc, 2 doors, Tourer )
encyclopedia > Mitchell > model18 specs
Mitchell Light Six Six-Passenger Touring
(1915, 6800cc, 38hp, 4 doors, Tourer )
encyclopedia > Mitchell > model
Bill Mitchell was an influetial automobile designer from the 1930s into the late 1970s at General Motors. One of his most significant desingns is the Buick Riviera.