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2012-08-08 19:36:54
Two New Zealander researchers have far too much time on their hands. Robert and Brenda Vale who specialize in s...
news > green1 photos
2012-08-07 20:08:27
A study from Harris Interactive and found that women self-identified as having road rage more ofte...
news > news1 photos
2012-09-03 11:01:27
According to a survey conducted by the German driver's association ADAC, drivers of high-powered cars have a par...
news > news1 photos
2012-08-07 13:35:39
According to a study conducted in the US and UK, women who combine friendliness, playfulness, flirtation and sexines...
news > news1 photos
2011-09-23 15:11:25
The UK-based Green Car Web Site is reporting that a study done by Trend Tracker shows that...
news > news1 photos
2012-11-26 11:47:08
The European market for electric cars will, according to a Study by Pikes Peak, experience significant growth over t...
news > green1 photos
image results for study