If you notice there are cars missing, you cann add them to autoviva yourself! Here you can submit new makes, models, series and versions: www.autoviva.com/wiki.php It is really easy and of cour...
If you notice there are cars missing, you cann add them to autoviva yourself! Here you can submit new makes, models, series and versions: www.autoviva.com/wiki.php It is really easy and of course you earn Vivas with every approved contribution ;-)
07.04.2011 @ 08:54Oh, but I'm not so sure my info is always correct. Infact, I'm surprised you have Ruf listed.
07.04.2011 @ 14:52Male, 31
Location: SanAntonio,
United States of America

Birthday: 2 March
status: Alone, frightened. Cold...
about: I love Corvettes
I love cars too!!
Interests: Cars
Occupation: Kinda unemployed right now.
Profile: http://m.autoviva.es/member/Vetteman
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