It's a shame that there isn't as many active Gearheads on here as there once was. Now people join but forget that the site even exists.
It's really a shame... :(
05.07.2012 @ 18:14you should try to invite people you know to join
05.07.2012 @ 18:15If only there were people around me that actually loved cars. I know I haven't been around lately, but I have to do this by phone which takes forever. This place used to be active, but it hasn't been...
If only there were people around me that actually loved cars. I know I haven't been around lately, but I have to do this by phone which takes forever. This place used to be active, but it hasn't been alive for awhile. Only Tommallet and Chris Bruce keep it alive.
05.07.2012 @ 23:53Yes, I feel like I am alone lately too...
06.07.2012 @ 20:26Male, 30
Location: SanAntonio, United States of America
Birthday: 2 March
status: Alone, frightened. Cold...
about: I love Corvettes
I love cars too!!
Interests: Cars
Occupation: Kinda unemployed right now.
Profile: http://m.autoviva.es/member/Vetteman
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